Understanding the Command: “Do Not Go Near Adultery”
Allah’s commandment in the Quran goes beyond simply prohibiting adultery (Zina). He says, “Do not go near it”—this implies that not only is the act of adultery forbidden, but also the steps that lead to it. This teaches us that there are many smaller actions that, although they may not seem harmful in themselves, can gradually pull a person toward sin. It is a series of small compromises that can lead to major transgressions.
The Subtle Traps of Shaytan
One of the remarkable things about Shaytan (Satan) is his patience. He doesn’t push you to sin all at once but rather leads you to it step by step. Shaytan gains power over you as you give in to small temptations. As mentioned in Surah Baqarah, Allah warns that Shaytan commands you to commit shameless acts.
Each time you follow Shaytan’s whisperings, he gains a stronger hold over you, leading you into a state where you feel powerless, unable to resist temptations like watching inappropriate content or engaging in sinful actions.
The Dangers of a Hardened Heart
When exposed to repeated sin, your heart becomes desensitized. Over time, it loses its sensitivity to evil and becomes hardened. Initially, a pure heart feels disturbed when exposed to indecency. However, if not addressed, this discomfort fades, and soon you find yourself engaging in sinful actions without guilt or shame.
This leads to spiritual numbness, where you can no longer feel remorse or fear Allah’s punishment. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized the importance of keeping a heart clean because your connection with Allah depends on it. A heart stained by sin is unable to feel the true weight of Allah’s words or cry in repentance.
Spiritual Murder vs. Physical Murder
Allah mentions in the Quran the prohibition of adultery and then immediately follows it with the command not to commit murder. The positioning of these two commands next to each other suggests a profound connection. Adultery, which violates the dignity of a human being, is referred to as a form of spiritual murder, whereas killing someone is a physical murder. Both are serious crimes, but violating someone’s honor is placed before taking a life.
The Modern Struggle: Shamelessness in Media
Today, our standards of decency have plummeted. What was considered inappropriate a decade ago is now deemed acceptable in movies, TV shows, and even social media. Exposure to indecent content is normalized, and we justify watching it with excuses like, “It’s just one bad scene.” However, every time we compromise, it chips away at our spirituality.
This growing acceptance of vulgarity affects our prayers, our connection to Allah, and even our family lives. It slowly erodes our character and makes us indifferent to the spiritual damage we are inflicting upon ourselves.
Guarding Your Gaze: The First Step
A crucial starting point for resisting sexual desires is guarding your gaze. The Quran emphasizes lowering your gaze because what starts with the eyes can lead to much bigger sins. It’s important to develop a sense of dignity and self-respect by not engaging in inappropriate behavior, both in private and on social media.
Even if others lack dignity for themselves, we must uphold our standards as Muslims by respecting the human body and the sanctity of modesty. This self-restraint protects not only our spiritual well-being but also our connection with Allah.
The Concept of Fahsha: Acting Like Wild Animals
The Arabic word Fahsha, often translated as shamelessness or vulgarity, is linked to the word Wahash, meaning a wild animal. This comparison suggests that engaging in shameless behavior reduces a human being to the level of an animal, driven solely by instincts without any moral restraint. Allah has elevated human beings by giving them a sense of dignity, and violating that dignity through indecency strips away this noble status.
Lessons from Adam (AS) and Hawwa (AS)
The story of Adam and Hawwa (Eve) highlights the importance of modesty. When their clothes were removed as a punishment from Allah, their immediate instinct was to cover themselves. This wasn’t something they learned from society—it was an inherent sense of shame and modesty placed within them by Allah.
This teaches us that modesty and the desire to cover ourselves are natural human traits, not merely societal constructs. As Muslims, it’s our responsibility to preserve our dignity by dressing modestly and behaving with decency.
Practical Tips to Resist Sexual Desires:
- Identify Triggers: Reflect on what leads you to sin and cut off those influences. Whether it’s certain websites, environments, or even friends, eliminate the sources of temptation.
- Guard Your Gaze: Start by controlling what you look at. Avoid inappropriate content in movies, social media, and everyday life.
- Strengthen Your Relationship with Allah: Regular prayer, Quran recitation, and remembrance of Allah (Dhikr) are crucial for keeping the heart clean and spiritually aware.
- Seek Righteous Company: Surround yourself with friends and influences who encourage good behavior and avoid environments that promote shamelessness.
- Seek Forgiveness and Repentance: If you have fallen into sin, never despair of Allah’s mercy. Repent sincerely, ask for forgiveness, and make a firm intention to avoid the sin in the future.
Resisting sexual desires is a challenging but essential part of maintaining spiritual purity in Islam. Allah’s command to “not even go near adultery” teaches us the importance of avoiding anything that could lead to major sins. Shaytan works gradually to pull believers toward sin, but through self-awareness, guarding our gaze, and maintaining a clean heart, we can protect ourselves. Upholding modesty and dignity, both personally and publicly, helps preserve the honor Allah has bestowed upon humanity.